Saturday, February 18, 2006

Conversations with a Six Year Old

My son: "Dad, before God made everything, were there colors?"

Me, feeling confident: "Nope. Before there was light, there were no colors, because light makes colors when it bounces off of stuff."

My son: "But if there was no light, then everything was dark. Dark is black, and black is a color."

Me, markedly less confident: "But black isn't really a color, because it is just the absence of light."

My son: "Black is a color."

Me: "I do believe it's time for bed."


  1. Don't you hate it when they ruin a perfect parenting moment by outsmarting us?

    It's a good thing we want our kids to be smarter than we are, but it would be nice if they would wait until after they move out to do it.

  2. He asked of there were "colors" -- plural. So you win.

  3. Wait until he sees a prism with white going in and ROYGBIV coming out...
