Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Divorce Study

This study seems fairly plausible to me:
Does Divorce Law Affect the Divorce Rate? A Review of Empirical Research, 1995-2006

Executive Summary:

Did the introduction of no-divorce law affect the divorce rate? This study looks at all the empirical research since 1995 that examines the impact of no-fault divorce laws on divorce rates both in the United States and in other nations, 24 studies in all, and concludes:

  • No-fault divorce did increase the divorce rate. Seventeen of 24 recent empirical studies find that the introduction of no-fault divorce laws increased the divorce rate, by one estimate as much as 88 percent. More typically, studies estimate no-fault divorce increased divorce rates on the order of 10 percent.
  • Divorce law, however, is not the major cause of the increase in divorce over the last 50 years. Clearly many other factors besides divorce law influence the divorce rate.
  • The effect of no-fault divorce laws on the overall divorce rate appears to fade with time; couples respond to the increased divorce risk from no-fault divorce law by delaying or forgoing marriages at higher risk of divorce, and states adopt related legal reforms that mitigate some of no-fault’s consequences.
  • For couples of a given match quality, no-fault divorce may have resulted in a permanent increase in divorce risk. Studies which take into consideration age at marriage tend to show a permanent increase in divorce risk after no-fault divorce.

1 comment:

  1. Any data on whether no-fault divorce affects marriage rates? My purely anecdotal information indicates a lot of people think of marriage as just "we want to live together, and also have a party first." And more than a few people take the view that there's no good reason to marry, as it's not any more permanent, legally, than moving into a new house.

    On the other hand, no-fault divorce may make some risk-averse types decide to take this big step, since there aren't as many huge barriers to breaking up later...
